Imperfect and Transrational Interpretations of Peace(s)
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This essay was originally written in English for the conference Debates en torno a la paz imperfecta, organized by the University of Granada/Spain in May 2016 in order to honor the late Francisco A. Muñoz Muñoz, whose research in matters of peace was iconic. . The focus of the essay is the epistemological development of peace studies as an academic discipline from its structuralist and post-structuralist roots in the 20th century to its interpretations in the 21st century. It well regards the positivist approach of the Scandinavian schools, appreciates the influence of the seminal work of Adam Curle and the following generation of scholars at Bradford University in Great Britain ion continental Europe, but places emphasis on the Many Peaces approach that emerged on the one hand in Spain with the groundbreaking work of Vicent Martinez Guzman and Francisco A. Muñoz under the titles Hacer las Paces and La paz imperfecta, and the Transrational Peace Philosophy developed in the University of Innsbruck in Austria. The main focus of this essay is to discuss the differences and similarities between these current leading streams of the discipline.
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